PP-SDK: high accuracy with GPS post-processing
Post-Processing Software Development Kit
API: an Application Programming Interface enables the creation of applications to preprocess SBF input files, control the PVT calculation with commands similar to receiver commands and analyze the resulting output SBF files
Post Processing Engine: the core engine that performs the actual standalone, SBAS and RTK PVT solutions using GPS/GLONASS data
RINEX Module: converts RINEX 2.1 & RINEX 3.0 observation and navigation files to SBF, supports GPS, GLONASS and SBAS geostationary satellites
BaseFinder: Automatically searches the internet for the most suitable reference station corrections for your input file. Available via API or a Graphical User Interface.
SBF Stream: a rich set of functions is provided to merge, process or condition Septentrio Binary Files (SBF) files for PVT calculation
PostNav: a graphical application for easy interaction with post processing functionality
Libraries: both dynamic and static libraries are provided
Sample applications to demonstrate key features of the PP-SDK for quick and easy integration

Product datasheet
Support documentation
General Notice
- Using Google Chrome to download the software package may trigger an alert for dangerous content. You can safely ignore this alert and continue downloading by right-clicking on the alert and selecting 'Keep'.
- A hardware permissions dongle is required to run the post-processing part of the PPSDK. Without the dongle, you only obtain limited functionality: RINEX converter, SBF stream editing.
- To run the full package of PPSDK, you require a permission file for the licence installer. This is only available after you have placed an order.
- Please contact orders[at]septentrio.com if you are interested in receiving a full or a demo licence of the software.