Secure timing
Telecom, energy grids, broadcast equipment and other critical infrastracture relies on accurate time for synchronization. The mosaic-T GNSS module provides resilient timing for synchronizing critical applications with nanosecond accuracy. Infrastructure such as telecom towers are inherently vulnerable to GNSS spoofing due to its stationary nature. Spoofing, is a smart form of interference where the attacker sends simulated signals into the receiver, altering positioning or timing output. AIM+ anti-spoofing techniques secure Septentrio timing receivers from spoofing attacks. Additionally AIM+ anti-jamming technology protects receivers from white noise interference “jamming”or can unintentionally come from electronic devices or broadcasting equipment located around the receiver.
Find out how Jackson Labs (VIAVI) uses mosaic-X5 module for resilient nanosecond timing, which synchronizes telecom, broadcasting, and energy grids.