Learn about the trends and solutions for GNSS spoofing attacks, brought to you by GNSS academy and Septentrio.
Topics covered:
- What is GPS jamming and GPS spoofing?
- Unintential GNSS inteferences: radio-frequency interferene, ionospheric scintillation interference, multipath, time variant interference, excessive interferenc, electro smog
- Intentional GNSS interferences: GNSS jamming, GNSS spoofing, meaconing
- The GNSS signals spectrum
- Anti-jamming approaches: hardware, software, external verification, cryptographic (OSNMA, Chimera, PRS verification, ...), signal features
- GNSS inteference diagnostics in GNSS receivers
- Regular GPS spoofing attack mitigation
- Difference between being spoofed and authentic satellite signals using polarization
- Quality indicators on GNSS receivers
- Other anti-jamming, anti-spoofing systems in the market (antennae, external devices, monitoring systems,...)