Workshop - Diving into ROSaic: GNSS driver for ROS
Empower your robotic navigation or mapping functionality with centimeter-level RTK positioning and orientation. Find out how the ROSaic C++ driver makes it easy to integrate the mosaic GPS/GNSS module and other Septentrio multi-frequency receivers into any technology based on the Robotic Operating System (ROS).
Take a look under the hood with the authors of ROSaic and the maintainers of ROS to discover:
- What is ROSaic and what is the best way of using it
- ROS messages/topics inside the ROSaic package
- The optimal way of integrating the latest GPS positioning tech
- How to integrate a dual-antenna GNSS or a GNSS/INS system for heading, pitch, roll angles
- How are GNSS high-accuracy corrections handles in ROS
- Other ROS drivers for high-accuracy positioning
The ROSaic has been designed for quick integration of GNSS positioning. This ROS package publishes NavSatFix, GPSFix and PoseWithCovarianceStamped messages. It also allows subscription to a set of common NMEA sentences - conforming to the NMEA standard as well as to a range of proprietary Septentrio Binary Format (SBF) messages. User-specific ROSaic parameters allow the configuration of differential correction services via NTRIP for a variety of hardware setups. Find out all about these messages and more during this technical workshop.
- Tibor Döme, Author of ROSaic of Septentrio
- Chandan Kumar Rajendra, Main Contributor for GNSS/INS ROsaic Integration, Septentrio
- Host: Danilo Sabbatini, Product Manager INS, Corrections, Septentrio
Check out our recorded webinar Bridging ROS and GNSS for robotics applications.
Our page on Integrating GNSS into Robotic and Autonomous Devices provides helpful tips, resources and open-source references to aid your robotic development.
Fill your details below and watch our free on-demand webinar/ technical workshop video and slides.