Webinar - GNSS Module Technology Without Compromises

Webinar - GNSS module and GPS modules without compromises
Free 60min webinar-on-demand

More and more high-accuracy GPS/GNSS applications are emerging in the industrial and professional mass markets. Integrators of technology are confronted with different choices of GNSS technologies. Unfortunately, many of these technologies are compromised by their HW and SW design in accuracy, performance, power, security and other capabilities creating risks and unexpected future costs when being integrated in professional applications. This webinar will help you understand the value of modules with no compromises from both the technology as well as from the user perspective.

The ingredients for reliable GNSS applications that are important to consider when integrating GNSS solutions, the high-end yet small module technology available today and the experiences when integrating resilient professional GNSS technology are covered in this webinar.



  1. Understanding the value of high-precision GNSS modules.
  2. Understanding the meaning of modules with no compromises: the ingredient for reliable GNSS applications
  3. Recognize why resilient GNSS modules are important for your mission critical applications
  4. Get familiar with high-grade GNSS modules in tiny small form factor suitable for low power and thin products
  5. Learn the experiences and use cases from users integrating reliable/resilient GNSS modules.


  • Eric Maglio - Lead Engineer at HITEC
  • Said Jackson, Founder & President at JACKSON LABS
  • Christophe Bonik, Chief Operating Officer at ARTISENSE 
  • Francois Freulon, Head of Product Management at SEPTENTRIO

Fill your details below and watch our free on-demand webinar video and slides.