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GNSS receivers come in various types: modules for integration, evaluation & development receivers for testing, boards for OEM applications, rugged enclosures for harsh environments, GNSS/INS solutions for enhanced accuracy and GNSS denied environments, reference receivers for scientific and stationary use and also smart antenna receivers for easy integration.

  • Module receiver: Module receivers are designed for mass volume production and for applications where (SWaP) Size Weight And Power matters.
  • Evaluation & Development receiver: Designed for evaluation testing and development purposes. They are designed for evaluation and testing only not for long time use in harsh environments.
  • Board receiver: Board receivers offer a balance between integration flexibility, functionality, and time to market typically used in OEM applications where customization and integration into larger systems are required.
  • Housed (ruggedized) receiver: A housed (rugged) receiver provides a certified protection against environmental factors such as water, dust, and shock, making them suitable for outdoor and harsh environments.
  • INS solution: Inertial Navigation System (INS) solutions combine GNSS receiver data with inertial measurement unit (IMU) data to provide accurate position, velocity, and 3D attitude information, even in environments where GNSS signals may be obstructed or unavailable.
  • Reference receiver: Reference receivers are used as stationary reference points in GNSS network systems, providing precise and stable position information for scientific us or for correction networks.
  • Smart antenna: These compact antennas integrate a GNSS receiver into an antenna housing, offering improved signal reception and simplified installation  but also less cabling and connectors which are otherwise exposed to harsh environmental conditions.