
GNSS-based positioning is limited in accuracy due to several errors caused by GNSS satellites as well as the Earth’s atmosphere. To compensate for these errors and achieve decimeter or even centimeter-level accuracy the receiver needs to get additional information from a corrections service. As the demand for high-accuracy positioning is increasing with our ever-growing reliance on automation, the GNSS corrections ecosystem is rapidly expanding with new services offering varying levels of accuracy, delivery methods and geographical coverage.

The Agnostic Corrections Partnership Program goal is to provide options to customers and integrators around the globe to realize high accuracy positioning with Septentrio products as alternative to dedicated base stations or local RTK networks.This program facilitates the use of Septentrio receivers with various high-accuracy services, which offer varying levels of accuracy, coverage and delivery methods. This also allows integrators and users to select the service which is most suitable for their specific application and business model​

The partners shown below offer services compatible with Septentrio products. ​While each service is well supported directly by our partners, Septentrio provides additional guidelines, integration code and open-source integration resources of various correction services, that users can start from to enable Septentrio receivers to access and use these 3rd party corrections​.

You can find more information about how to integrate the different services in our support portal.

  • PointOne(又称为“ Point One Navigation”)Polaris提供精确校正即服务。其产品专为自主系统量身定制,包括商用无人机和其他需要稳健和高度完好性本地化的机器人应用。PointOne服务提供强大的RTK网络,可通过NTRIP或Polaris协议访问。公司提供开源软件,让集成变得轻而易举。
  • 服务类型:RTK
  • 覆盖区域:美国
  • 服务链接
  • Septentrio支持链接How to integrate Point One <待补充>
  • SwiftNav Skylark通过基于云计算的校正服务为全球的自动驾驶汽车、移动和大众市场应用提供无缝、精确的定位服务。Skylark是基于云的广域GNSS校正服务,可提供一整套实时的高精度定位解决方案。Skylark使用先进的定位算法,提供连续的多星座、多频率GNSS校正流。该服务同时提供SSR和RTK校正,具有NTRIP连接性,易于使用。
  • 服务类型:SSR(宽巷)+ RTK
  • 覆盖区域:欧盟、美国、日本、朝鲜
  • 服务链接
  • Septentrio支持链接How to integrate Skylark <待补充>